Saturday, November 04, 2006


This is another story from the little Church I went to.
We were a small Church and we knew each other, I thought, pretty well. We did a lot of stuff together. But we did lose people to divorce or whatever and in general I did not see it coming. At the time, I seemed to be oblivious to the fact that humans had failings.
There was one man there in his 50s who came in from Deseronto with another family that was from there. I knew he was having financial problems. He was heating his house with his stove. And one day he told me that if he didn't get his rent his landlord would kick him out. There was a lot more to this story that I learned after, but the obvious thing to me was that I had the money, so I wrote him a check for the next time that I saw him. When I gave it to him he looked all surprised, like God had told me that he needed the money. But I said no that last week HE had told me. So he took the cheque, said he would pay me back, but I think he still got kicked out his house. Afterwards, the people of the church were talking and said that the pastor had gone out there and he had been hiding a woman at his place and had been drinking. And he had a fight with the pastor and then he didn't come back, except for once and he said he'd give me the money back. I said not to worry about it. He didn't pay the money back and I never really expected him too. I was sad that he wasn't at the Church anymore, but happy that God arranged it that I could give him a parting gift, even if he never thought of it that way. As maybe his pride felt he should pay me back.
A few months later I got a scholarship from a group at Queen's in the exact amount of the cheque that I wrote the guy for rent. So I gut paid back another way.


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