Tuesday, November 07, 2006


When I first became a Christian, I spent 4 months with my best friends' Church before returning to Kingston for school.
This Church was big and had very active youth and young adult groups. We were 19-20 at the time, so a bit old for the youth and a bit young for the young adult, so we went to both. We spent a lot of time together. 2 services on sunday, 1 youth meeting , 1 young adult meeting, plus other activities during the week. pool parties. camping at the Elora Gorge. I knew a lot about these people. How they came to Christ. How couple's fell in love. I listened and learned a lot about God but for some reason I never really connected with the people. Maybe it was because I knew my stay was temporary. Maybe because I am hard to connect with. Maybe because I didn't have much in common with them. Maybe that they thought my best friend and I were exclusive friends. I don't know. But I do know that even being in community, even if you aren't really connected with any people in particular is a form of safety.


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