Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Born to live

I watched the "Big Fat Greek Wedding" movie today (I know I'm about 4 years behind the movie scene). I enjoyed it. It was funny but it also made me think. I liked seeing Toula's transformation, but think that she was just as attractive before she 'looked pretty' and I was glad that they made it seem like Ian liked her when she was in her "frumpy phase" as well.
The line that intereseted me though was when the mother is explaining to Toula why they came to America she says something like 'I gave birth to you so that you would have life. Live!' and I got to thinking how God did the same thing. He made a way for us to have life, but instead of living we get caught up in the mundane and the depressing parts. I want to live the life God has for me in it's fullness. I just want to savour every moment.
Unbeing dead isn't being alive.-e. e. cummings

From the book of common prayer "Give us such an awareness of your mercies, that our hearts may be sincerely thankful, and that we may show forth your praise not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up ourselves to your service, and by walking before you in holiness and righteousness all our days"


At 1:28 PM, December 27, 2006, Blogger Bar L. said...

WOW! what a great thought to get out of this movie,its so true. I really needed this reminder. Especially this time of year when I tend to be depressed. Thank you, Aphra!

At 6:15 PM, December 27, 2006, Blogger Calia77 said...

I love that film! And mainly because Ian loves Toula in 'frump' stage. I also love the baptism scene, but that's a whole different issue.

Thank you for seeing deeper into it and sharing that with us. I agree with Layla - something I need reminding of when I'm feeling down around this time of year (too dark, too cold, etc...)


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