Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Perfection (con't)

Thanks to Layla and Rab for weighing in. I was talking about it with Annette the other day. That we have the resources to require more of ourselves. That I need to require more of myself, not through guilt and beating myself down but that I have the resources to set the bar higher for myself. That there are things in my life that I keep failing at, that I can see as possible to not fail again next time.

On another note, I was at eija's blog and she had this question and answer thing and I realized that I am not very normal when it comes to Christmas holiday decorating. I have no tree or decorations and really have no desire TO have any. James will have 2 trees, one in St. Catharines and one in Moncton, so I'm not feeling to bad for him. But I really don't like decorating.
(edited to add: after writing this I read an article in the Toronto Star (not sure if the link will work)about how the Earth is the loser in this season with the trash and waste of the season and at least I can say I have almost a zero Footprint Christmas. However, my boys don't because they are flying and that causes carbon pollution!)


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