FB leads to only a few degrees of separation. One of my friends is friends with a relative of a family that I used to be friends with. I went to church with them. They ended up leaving the Church because they had to sell their house because they couldn't afford it and they felt embarrassed that they had made bad financial decisions. There may well have been more that was going on that I didn't know about. And that's fine. It just seemed odd to me at the time that they would leave when they had just started making GOOD financial decisions. Like moving to a house they could afford. But maybe the loss of the house was too painful for them. I don't know.Not that this has anything to do with what I wanted to write about.
This family has 2 children. When I knew them the kids were teenagers. Now they are in their 20s. The kids as teenagers were adorable. The son had a heart condition so always looked a bit pale but they were good kids. Probably still are. But the son (from his FB) seems to have discovered alcohol. And you know what?- looks really ugly with it. It is heartbreaking to see such a life of promise be derailed like this. I will be praying for him.
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