Monday, May 16, 2011

When it rains it pours

An update on my friend from the Aug 31st post (not that anyone would remember) but in late Aug she was in a relative crisis situation in her life. She got through this and again was doing much better and now it has circled around again and she is in a very similar crisis. One can think here we go again. Why are we stuck in the cycle of life? Why can't issues be relsolved for good? Wishing freedom could be a permanent state! But I understand that life is a learning process. And so we learn. And so we grow. And so hopefully setbacks can eventually help us progress. But sometimes it doesn't look like that!


At 7:20 AM, May 17, 2011, Blogger el-JaNh said...

hmm, Nice post i read.. Love it..

visit Please,,


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