Monday, March 19, 2007

Deception in the teen years

This is a not-so-flattering story that I still remember with a grimace from my high school years.

In Grade 10 a girl named Angel lived in our neighbourhood and she took the same bus as myself and a couple of my friends. We went to LS, while she was at our 'sister school' WCS. It was EXACTLY the same school layout, just in another location. Funny. Anyway, I can't remember how it started but I think one of the boys in the class was writing Angel and we were taking the notes to her. It was all in fun. But then somehow we told his friend Mark that Angel had a friend that he could write to. But it was a lie. We made up a name and all of us were in on it, except Mark. So Mark would write the letters and I would write back, pretending to be this fictional girl we made up. And this went on for quite some time. And I wasn't continuing the farce out of cruelty, but I really did like Mark. Anyway, at the end of the year, we told him (I can't remember how)and he was FURIOUS. I have to say, I didn't really expect that reaction. I thought when he found out it was me, he would kind of laugh it off and then we could be friends again, or whatever.
But he was so mad, I don't think he talked to me for years. He may still not be talking to me, for all I know.
I can see it from his perspective now. That we made a fool out of him. That if one part is a lie, what is the truth. And I never got to explain what was truth and what was a lie because he was so mad. He had to assume it was all a lie.

So, I guess the moral is, to build your life on truth, so the rug doesn't get pulled out from under you by your own lies!
And I know I brought it all on myself, but I still have problems being 'real' to people because I think if they find out who I really am, they'll reject me.


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