Monday, February 19, 2007

Pieces of April

I watched this movie last night. The blurb on the back of the case didn't make it sound too interesting, but it really was. It's about a girl (April) living on her own and her dysfunctional family coming to visit her for Thanksgiving. Most of the film is about all the difficulties she has and the people she meets because her stove is broken. But by the end of the film she has put together a decent spread. Her family arrives but don't seem to like where she is living in NY and they see her boyfriend and before they even see her (who they haven't seen in a number of years) they drive off to have Thanksgiving in a restaurant. April is excited that they are there but by the time she gets downstairs they have left. She can't believe she's been abandoned again (as the family has never been too keen on her) and she's terribly upset but then goes on to serve the people in the apartment who have been helping her. Her family does come back and she serves them as well.
For me it was a picture of God's love. We reject Him and make Him cry by not listening or having wrong ideas but when we come back to Him, he's happy to have us at His feast!


At 8:33 PM, February 19, 2007, Blogger Bar L. said...

This sounds like an excellent film! I love movies that have these messages. And usually they are the more obscure movies that don't get as much attention. I will add this to my list!


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