Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Layla's request

Doing a series on my ex-boyfriends would be a short series. John was my only bf in high school, so high school is already done. I had one bf at university and one just after I graduated. So that makes only 3. I suppose I was more interested in my studies.
But they are both pretty humourous in retrospect, so I will do this very short series.

Tonight I'll tackle Pete. He was the bf just after I graduated. I was in a transitional part of my life as I was trying to work out what I was doing with my life. I'll use that as my excuse!
The library I was working at was moving into a newly built building, so the summer was pretty busy. Pete was working as a carpenter in the building, as it wasn't quite complete, even as we were moving in. That's how we met. I told him upfront I was a Christian, and he seemed ok with it. But he smoked and drank and watched a lot of hockey. And had this huge, boistrous family that smoked and drank and watched hockey.

I remember one night he had been to a hockey game and been drinking and he called me later that night and I said to him something to the effect- don't you see this is a problem? Don't you see this doesn't bode well for the relationship. He agreed.

Anyway, when the library was done, his next job was in toronto, so he still kept his apt. in kingston, but worked during the week in TO. He gave me the key to his place and while he was away I'd go in and clean his place (which was filthy because of the smoking) and watch Rodney Howard Brown tapes on his VCR. I had no VCR or TV at that point and I loved RHB. I had such a good time watching those tapes. A better time than the whole relationship, I think.
He also had me check his phone messages on his answering machine. Because if he got a call about a job he wanted to know. One call was from a girl he met and gave his number to and she left a message. And you know, that didn't even bother me. I think I'm not really a jealous type, maybe? I just laughed. Though maybe it was the RHB. The bf wasn't so bright. I told him about the call and he admitted it all, but really it didn't bother me.

One time I took him to Church. This was the only promising part of our relationship. He was so excited after Church, that he said we could do this together every week. I always went without him before. But the next day he called and recinded that. And at that point I knew the relationship had no future for sure and it wasn't too long before we ended it.


At 11:26 PM, February 03, 2007, Blogger Bar L. said...

Sounds like your heart was really not all that into Pete! Thanks for sharing the story! Looking forward to the next one.

(I had to look up Rodney Howard Brown because I didn't know who he was.)


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