Thursday, January 18, 2007


There's this song I hear it seems every night by Carrie (Underwood). It it called something like "Before he cheats" and it is about this girl who destroys her 'boyfriend'?'s car while he is allegedly out 'cheating'. The problem that I have is that it seems to be glorifying destruction. If he's cheating on you, fine, be mad, but don't destroy stuff. Because you are just destroying yourself. You'll have to pay for it, if you destroy it. That's the law. You have no right to destroy other people's property, even if you think you have a right because he is doing you wrong. I think this song sends the wrong message.


At 6:46 PM, January 18, 2007, Blogger Bar L. said...

I agree! I am surprised at Carrie for signing something like that!

At 5:47 AM, January 20, 2007, Blogger Calia77 said...

Isn't that a good analogy for all things, a reflection on Sermon on the Mount. Our feelings may be something, but translating them into actions - sinful actions - is where temptation becomes sin. And by glorifying sin, revelling in it, yes, we are destroying ourselves, because we're separating ourselves from God, which is destruction.


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