Saturday, January 06, 2007


After having a week where I actually slept through the night, going back to terrible nights is very hard. At least when you don't know better, you don't miss it. I realize now that I have been coping on a lower level than average. That if I slept, I would be able to cope better.
Jan 8 Edited to add. Myron has been sick and sleeping on the couch for 2 nights and James has slept through the nights too, so I have gotten 2 nights of sleep and feel better :)


At 5:52 PM, January 06, 2007, Blogger Bar L. said...

I went through this years ago and did eventually start taking something to help me sleep. Unfortunately I chose a drug that causes dependence but there are some natural sleep aids, have you tried any?

At 10:05 AM, January 08, 2007, Blogger rab said...

Move out of the house. Leave the boys behind and get some sleep. They can manage without you through the night. And you can visit during the day.

It might do them some good. They might benefit from a little independence. Or is that what you're afraid of. I can just imagine Myron and James on their own. It might be dangerous for them. And for the neighbours!

On the other hand, who needs sleep?


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