Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My first boyfriend

I don't know what brought this back to mind when I was walking home, but it struck me as pretty funny and I thought I'd post about him.
John and I were friends in Grade 1. Kids made fun of him and I defended him. Yes, I was a defender. Even at a young age I had to defend people. Then it was physical defence. Now, it is spiritual defence. That may have been why it all came to mind.
His family seemed to like me. They took me on trip with them. Then they moved out of town (TO) for 8 years or so.
Then they moved back. John's brother Greg went to my school. He was younger than me but he was such a nice boy. I hope he turned out ok. He was real nice. One day, I think he said that John wanted to go out with me. I agreed to it, though it really was a blind date as I hadn't seen the guy since grade 1. Anyway, we were supposed to get together for lunch, but then he changed it and we would get together for donuts. I don't like it much when people change plans on me. I think we must have been talking on the phone at that point.
Anyway, so the donut date must have gone ok.
Then we went on another date to see 'Crocodile Dundee'
Then we went Christmas shopping to the mall and he got lost playing with the toys in Radio Shack. What do I do that attracts men who like electronics?
I left him in Radio Shack and went to catch the bus. He caught up with me and couldn't understand why I left.
I think we broke up shortly after that. Before Christmas. He gave me some earrings for Christmas still though. I didn't give him anything. I gave the earrings to my best friend because they weren't the sort of thing I wore at the time.
Shortly after, he was dating a girl I worked with Tanya and my best friend said he had been seen making out with her. This really didn't bother me at all. And obviously, it didn't take him long to get over me.
Actually, I remember the break up phone convo. I asked him if he was interested in anyone else? and he said yes. And I said we're probably not meant to be together then. And he agreed, I think.


At 3:12 PM, January 31, 2007, Blogger Bar L. said...

Interesting relationship you had there! You sound very level-headed. Even if I didn't like a guy if I saw him making out with some other ckick after we broke up I'd be mad/hurt.

So, tell us about some other ex bfs :) This is fun to hear about.


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