Monday, January 22, 2007


My start to 2007 has been rough due to nasty sickness, but my dear friend Kim, her 2007 has been rough, but I'm not sure why. I was having these dreams about her and finally I had one that said she was believing lies. So I call her up and say "Kim, you believing lies?" And she tells me about how she's beating herself up about stuff she has done (though she wasn't specific as to how long ago it was) She came over the other night for a few minutes and just looking into her eyes, I could see she's feeling beaten down, that she hasn't got the spunk or the fight that she normally does. So I'm going to be on her tail. Parying for her and calling her, until she gets through this funk. But I tell you, it is weird. To look in someone's eyes and not see the person that you normally do.
I printed out all my dreams about her and gave them to her, but while she has shown some interest in my dreams when they were for other people, she seemed to think it a bit weird that I would have them about her!


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