Sunday, February 25, 2007

New Waterford girl

This was a really good movie (and it would be safe for you to watch Barbara!). It's mainly about friendship and following your dream. The main character (Moonie) is a gloomy arts type whose dream is to go to NY. And the movie is about the unconventional steps that she takes to attain this. And then when she finally is on the edge of her dream, she's about to step back from it and her mother, who had been against the idea the whole time, is the once who makes sure she follows her dream.
It's also about the friendship between Moonie and Lou- a girl who can punch like a boy. Moonie is at first reluctant but Lou's determination and fresh spirit wins her over.
It's also a Canadian movie.
I would recommend renting it if you can!

Last night, I went to Kim's church. It was pretty full for a special Saturday night meeting with Renee Clark. I was kindof worried at the start as they played a couple of serious themed songs in a happy clappy way and that really didn't do much for me. But after happy clappy #2 they went into some free singing which seemed to improve the atmosphere and then they went into "Carry the Mantle" by Joy Wells and things really got going. It was quite enjoyable after that. Renee spoke on the spirit of Elijah and she went through 1 Kings 18 and described from that chapter some of the characteristics of the spirit of Elijah. Willingness to obey, no delay, confront the enemy, demonstration, a gathering annointing, repairing the brokenness and fire. She also compared Elijah to a type of Christ being gathered up (when he died) and letting his mantle fall. So when Christ went up he let his mantle fall on the Church. I had never looked at the similarities in that before.
Then we went to the front and prayed for Kingston. It was really a good time.


At 4:28 PM, February 25, 2007, Blogger Bar L. said...

Thanks for the recommendation! I just added it to my Netflix list.

Sounds like you had a positive experience at Kim's church - that's great!

At 9:47 AM, February 27, 2007, Blogger Aphra said...

Let me know if you like it!


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