Saturday, April 14, 2007


I've never been a *great* sleeper. Not required a lot of sleep and have always woken at any little sound. BUT what has been going on these past few weeks is much much worse than I have experienced (except the first 2 years for James' life -but that was obviously due to an external stimulus!) I wake something like every hour, or even every half hour. It's crazy. It's worse that having a baby!
I'm going to see the dr. on Moday and hopefully she'll have some idea of what is going on. I have been pretty leery to take anything like a sleeping pill, because I feel my body is trying to tell me something is not right and I don't want to muffle it's voice.
We'll see what the dr. says on mon. At this point, if she thinks I should, I might take a pill for a few nights just to become sane again!
I hope nothing is to seriously wrong, but I can't figure out any lifestyle things that I can change (from reading insomnia websites) I don't drink coffee or anything with caffine (only peppermint tea and that has no caffine), I don't drink alcohol or smoke. I eat pretty healthy, get lots of exercise in the day. It's hard when you feel like you are doing everything right, but your results are bad!

A funny thing is that since we've been back from St. C, Myron has been falling asleep at 9pm (probably exhausted from either his computer game nights or from the cleaning he attempted to do while we were away) I accused him of using up my quota of sleep!


At 11:23 PM, April 14, 2007, Blogger Bar L. said...

I hope you get some answers and a solution from your dr. If you take something for a few days it may just help to re-establish good sleep patterns. I can relate, I've never slept well either and usually take something but wish I didn't have to.

At 4:47 AM, April 15, 2007, Blogger Calia77 said...

Poor you. I've been having sleeping problems, but nothing like yours. 2 years ago I had to go on a short course of sleeping tablets, but I think that was because I was so stressed out by life that I couldn't sleep, then too stressed because I couldn't sleep to sleep. I find they only give me about 4 hours sleep and I wake with a feeling like a fuzzy hangover.

Nowadays I'm just such a light sleeper I'll wake at most things, I'm either too hot or too cold, I fidget, wriggle and change positions in the hour (at least) it takes me to get to sleep (good job I'm single), and then there's the early morning wake up calls from the builders next door and over the road and the small child next door (usually it's Thomas the Tank Engine, but today it was him screaming blue murder!). God help me if I ever have a child.

I hope that the dr is able to help. I pray that you and Barbara get resolutions to your sleeping problems.


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