God's way
There are some things that I find it easy to follow God's way on. Big things like 'murder' - I really have no desire to do. I also have an easy time with the 'covet your neighbours stuff'. In an age of materialism this may be harder for some people, but it's been relatively easy for me. I would rather be without material possessions and have no debt. I value no debt higher that material possessions.There are somethings I find more difficult, like being nice to a person who might be particularly aggravating, but they are doable.
But every once in a while, I come upon something where God's way and my way are diametrically opposed. This happened to me yesterday. I had a very clear join in the road. I could choose my way or God's way. And it kind of rips you up a bit inside when you can't have your way. But of course God's way is better than my way and He has a much better idea of what he is doing than I do! So I went God's way. He is God, afterall. Though I have found myself nittering at Him, telling Him that my way was a good idea, that it had some benefits. I'm sure he's probably ignoring my silly nittering :)
Good for you for choosing His way!!!! It certainly isn't always the easy road to take but its awlays the best!
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