Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Trying to realign my day

I'm kind of upset right now and it's all my own fault. For some reason, when I was in the shower, I got really upset at someone. I think I was processing something that happened a few days earlier. Someone told Myron something about where he belonged because of his giftings. I will not deny his giftings. It made a good argument. I was ok. Apparently, in the shower this morning, I discovered a FLAW in the argument that REALLY upset me. I was in tears and I think angry as well. Not a good way to start the day! I am trying to shift the day, I just can't seem to loose the shadow I'm under.


At 12:25 PM, April 16, 2008, Blogger rab said...

The moral of that story is: don't shower!


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