Sunday, April 06, 2008


In Church today for the 4th song Shari sang a hymn. We don't sing a lot of them and I did not grow up in Church so I don't really know them. I only heard the first few lines, then I don't quite know how to describe what happened. (I don't know that it had any relation to the hymn, just that I remembered that is when it happened) It was like I heard God speaking to somethings in my life and saying you don't need to trust you, you need to trust Me! And it was like something just lifted off me. And then Shari prayed after the song and said something about trust. And the word trust just kept zinging around in my head.
There are a couple of situations that I have been stressed about. Some of them I created myself, so I felt the burden to fix the problem, since I had created it. But, even if I make the mess, apparently God is well able to clean up even that! Thanks God!

I am planning on going to the Krock tonight for the final night and am looking forward to what God is going to do.


At 8:18 PM, April 06, 2008, Blogger swilek said...

very cool...I love how God speaks like that! keep trusting Him!!


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