Sunday, January 04, 2009

Stopping the fighting in my head

Before I left for Church this morning, I read Karyne's post and Lauren's comment to her. And while I was listening to Al's sermon, I think some pieces fit together for me. That there are all these things that I battle in my head that I consider bad. And it takes a lot of energy to fight these battles there. And I got to thinking, what if these things that I am fighting against aren't as bad as I make them out to be? Can I trust myself enough and God enough to do the right thing? I think so. And so I gave up the battle. And it feels great!
Though lots of other things went bad after I made this realization, but that's just to be expected isn't it?


At 10:16 PM, January 04, 2009, Blogger swilek said...

This is very cool Aphra...definitely a God moment!So glad you feel free of the battle! What was Al's sermon about?

At 10:26 PM, January 04, 2009, Blogger A New Yorker said...

Isn't it easier to how is the expression...let go and let god? :) BTW I don't always make it there either but more often I do nowadays than I don't. Cheers.

At 10:42 PM, January 04, 2009, Blogger Aphra said...

Thanks Karyne and Lauren :)
I guess my realization was that God trusts me to handle this, I just don't trust myself and understanding that God knows better!
Al's sermon had 3 points- the first I mentioned on the Rogers blog- that we need to take responsibility for our own actions (which came up a LOT today in real
-the second was that our inheritance is the Holy Spirit- this is the point that it all came together for me
-the third was that we need to let our light shine
He did a really good job explaining them, much better than my attempt:) lol.


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