Sunday, November 30, 2008

Quite a night

Wednesday night was an incredibly bad night. We picked up James at lunch. Drove to my friend Clara's in Toronto. Had a nice visit with her and her family. She put us in her girls' room for the night. James fell asleep right away. At around midnight Myron 'suddenly' got a cold and was tossing and turning (I thought it was all the caffeine he drank!) and got up to go to the bathroom a number of times. The result was he did not sleep, nor did I. When I did close my eyes it was nightmare scenes. I also had what might be termed a 'vision' but as I was so overtired it might have also been a 'hallucination' but I was looking in what might have been a bar and there were all these people in there with bad habits (like one was smoking) and they were all floating in the air but they were all attached together with these large metal 'pins'.
I don't know if it was an attack or what the heck was going on, but it was nasty. I prayed a lot of the night and when we got up, I prayed more and read a lot of the Psalms out loud. We lived.


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