Friday, October 17, 2008


In the last few weeks, I've had a couple of dreams that have kept me thinking.

The first was Oct 5th "Closing the Lower Courtyard". It was a dream that was a picture of transition. Which makes sense in a lot of ways. My life is transitioning. At Rustle a lot of transition is going on. This dream just kind of gave a picture of it.

The second was Oct 14th "Floating". This one was really hard to describe in words but the feeling when I woke up was that things are serious. That where we were in the 'lower courtyard' dream with waterslides was changing into something for more serious. That there was be very serious issues to deal with. That the fun and games was over. That it's time to grow up. Maturity may be a good thing, but it's also a difficult thing. Until I started to write this, I felt this very heavy upon myself. I can see very clearly the things in my life that need to change. But what is blurry is HOW to exact the changes I need. As I write, I see the same thing in relation to Rustle.

A lot of my prayer time today was focused on this- God, what practical steps can I take to head in the right direction? I can't do this on my own.

Kelly T. got me hooked on Em. R.'s "Slow me down", which seems applicable to this entry. I love the audio she has on her blog, much better than the youtube one i found.


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