Saturday, August 16, 2008

All the time

"Escape is not a dirty word. None of us can face what's happening head-on all of the time." Sheldon Kopp

I have moments where I sit down and wonder if I have what it takes to keep on. I have to keep on in God's strength.

I wrote about Saul on my bible blog. How he had to face so much stuff. How he kept making mistakes. How did he keep going?

I was talking with a girl who is pretty new to the Christian life and she is struggling. Struggling as the world is pulling on her and she feels like going back to her old ways. How I know that the roots will deepen given time. That her connection will grow stronger. But did I tell her it would get easier? Certainly not! The longer that you are a Christian, it is NOT easier. Better, but not easier. The more you grow, the more responsibility you have and that makes things all the more complicated.


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