Tuesday, July 29, 2008


The background for this post: at my work the administration made some serious cutbacks saying there were financial problems. A lot of my friends had their positions terminated. One (high level) person quit as she got a position elsewhere because the situation at our work was(is) bad. I'm not sure how our first year program is going to run this year. The answer in a nutshell seems to be - not well.

However, they cut so much, they now realize they have to hire as someone has to do the work. So for one job, they combined 3 positions into 1 and I got an email from my former boss saying she thinks I should apply. I would not have considered applying if she hadn't written the email. I still would not consider applying if Myron was working, but the way things are now, with me being the only one working, I have to consider it.

The money: there would be a slight increase in pay, but I would also have to work more hours.

The permanence: this is what the benefit to the new job would be- that employment would be guaranteed instead of my constant run of contracts.

The worry: that the dean will be in the job interview and I will speak my mind and my former boss (the one who wants me to apply) will be upset.
:that applying for this job makes it seem like I agree with what the dean is doing
:that by applying for this job I am betraying my friends. (before applying for the job I would clear it with the girl whose job it used to be- if she is not ok with me applying then I would not)

So what do you think- on principle?


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