Friday, July 04, 2008

Letting God take control

When I was at prayer on Wed. night, I realized that recently I had not been praying specifically that God would be in control. That there were areas that I was quite competent and could do on my own, but I don't want to. I want to be in God's strength not my own.

So, I prayed that specifically on Thursday morning. In the evening, when looking back on the day, I thought - hey God, I might have done a better job on that one! There was a lot of chaos in the day and I had a hard time reaching peace on a number of things. But there was some wisdom that filtered through. Overall, it was a pretty tough day.

Today, I prayed the same specific prayer and had another really tough day! James gave me a rough time and was rebellious and was very out of character. We have a long way to go on the think of others before yourself idea. But then, he's 6.

So, apparently, praying this prayer seems to make things difficult for me! But I believe it's good and will be beneficial in the long run.


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