Friday, July 11, 2008


I have a working lunch meeting with my soon-to-be boss next week. He picked the location as the good ol' boys club. His territory. I think he picked it because he likes to eat there and he knows that I can't eat there on my own. I don't think it's a power play to be on his home turf for the meeting. But he WILL be on his home turf for the meeting. That I don't mind. Whether it is a power play or not, it doesn't bother me. I'm not one to be intimidated by that kind of stuff.
We have had a very rocky past so he may be intimidated by me. ME!
What does have me a bit worried is the actual eating part! I rarely eat out, partly due to the cost, a bigger part due to there's not much I'm ok with eating. There's a lot of foods I can't eat and a lot of things have too much salt. So, assuming I can work around that I'll be good.
Uncomfortable? check. so that's good!


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