Sunday, November 02, 2008


Heh. Al made me cry during his sermon today because it actually helped me to understand my previous post. Al also made me cry last week by showing Where the Red Fern Grows. Are you trying to make me cry in Church every week Al?

I guess what hurts between me and my mother is because it is now a 'scorecard' love. I know if I do and say the correct things she will be happy. I will, of course, make and effort to do these things because I do want her to be happy. But it is hard as I feel that her love is based on conditions. I am glad she is clear about what she wants, just sad because it seems that the relationship has less depth than before. But, as Bob said, all relationships are kinda flawed in this world, so I guess I should set my bar low :)

I went to the Calvary Church down the road tonight with James. Peter spoke on Jesus' first miracle- turning water into wine. This made James run out for a drink of water multiple times. Peter related it to our own lives, that no matter what the problem is, that we can still look to Jesus for a miracle.

This time was a bit more difficult for me socially. Last time James' Pioneer teacher was there, so I talked to her. This time I knew zero people. And it's a small Church, so we stuck out like a sore thumb again. And I'm much more shy when I know zero people, so I've found! But I stayed and chatted and found out that Edie has been praying for James since the summer when he went to vacation bible school there. At the end of VBS, I guess they gave out the names of the kids to the people in the congregation to pray for. And I guess they do. So that was cool.


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