Sunday, April 22, 2007

Seeing spots

It's been a very busy week for me at work and I have one more until I get my marks in.
On Monday, I saw the dr. and she thought I was just anxious but she sent me for bloodwork and to have a heart monitor just to check things out.
On Tuesday, I had this weird experience (and I have had no symptoms since this experience)
I worked all day and on the way home, stopped at the grocery store. After about 5 minutes, I started seeing spots, like when you sit up quickly and the blood rushes from your head. At first I thought it was because I had walked for about 15 minutes and gone from the relatively chilly outside to the warm inside. So I unzipped my jacket and figured it would pass. But it didn't. I took my stuff to the checkout. And I couldn't see that much but I made the purchase, packed everything up and headed outside. I thought when I got outside that THAT would clear things up with the fresh air. But it didn't. I walked for a few blocks, trying to look around the large spots that were in front of my eyes. I got to the corner of Montreal and Ordinance and I thought that this is ridiculous - I have to pray. So I payed something about the blood over Jesus covering me and immediately my left eye cleared. I was stunned. I mean I believe prayer works but I didn't think it would be so immediate! But I was happy because I could see out of one eye at least. I kept praying and after about 10 minutes the right eye cleared too. My eyes were very sore that night, but have been fine since.

On another note, a few days ago I was watching hockey with James. The hockey I like watching, but the fights I do not. And this night 2 of them were fighting and they were against the boards and these kids were all excited, up against the glass cheering. And I was so shocked at what they were modeling. That if you have a problem with someone, it's ok and even fun to attack them violently? My opinion, the referees should have a can of mace and spray them if they start to fight, no questions asked. I bet that would severely reduce the amount of fights in hockey! OK I know they won't go for it, but it would be effective if there were immediate consequences for their actions.


At 10:19 AM, April 23, 2007, Blogger dawna said...

hmm, did you have a headache after seeing the spots? i had a similar experience once, and called my eye doctor immediately, as i thought something was seriously wrong... turns out seeing spots can be a sign that a migraine is coming on. here's hoping you're not having migraines!

At 11:05 AM, April 23, 2007, Blogger Aphra said...

Interesting idea Dawna. I never knew anything gave spots, but I did not have a headache, my eyes were just sore after.

At 12:57 PM, April 23, 2007, Blogger dawna said...

i had not known it before my episode either... and let me tell i was pretty freaked out from seeing those spots.... do you have any idea how hard it is to add a column of numbers when the numbers keep disappearing? i was afraid i was going blind or something. turns out the spots went away after a few minutes and then i had a terrible headache... on the upside, not everyone is lucky enough to get the 'spots' warning that a migraine is coming on. i'm glad you didn't get a migraine, i don't wish them on anyone. hope your eyes are feeling better now!

At 6:55 PM, April 23, 2007, Blogger Bar L. said...

Aphra! You need to find out about the spots thing! I am so glad your prayer was answered - and impressed that you went to God first (i probably would have been a big baby and called someone to come get me).
I am glad He answered, but I am a bit concerned for you!!!

I love your idea about the mace in the face, those guys are terrible role models!

At 11:03 PM, April 23, 2007, Blogger Rachel said...

I highly doubt you're at risk of pre-eclampsia, seeing as you're not pregnant, but spots in front of your eyes are a symptom of that as well. I've had that list of symptoms drilled into my head fairly recently (high blood pressure is one of the main ones). Thank goodness I no longer have to worry about it!

Glad the spots went away. Hopefully they don't reoccur or signal any sort of problem.

At 1:01 AM, April 24, 2007, Blogger Aphra said...

I think we can rule out pre-eclampsia as well. The things I am learning though!
And my blood pressure was good too. I have to remember to go for my blood test soon.


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