Monday, October 22, 2007

Less of me

k, this is a weird question- I hope I don't regret asking it. It's a question for females.

When I was so sick in August, I lost a few pounds. I lost the last few James-pounds. In September my pants were pretty loose. Now they are looser than they were before I was sick, but not as drastic as September. What's the question you ask? I'm getting there. The weird part is that I seem to have lost a lot of weight in my chest (and there wasn't that much to loose from, which is why it's weird) and now my bras just do not fit. So what do I do- buy new bras or will my chest grow back? It's been about 7-8 weeks since I was sick. Loosing the weight was much faster than putting it back on, but it was pretty nasty at the time!

I did have to put my head on the desk and laugh after I finished typing this. I hope y'all don't make too much fun of me!


At 7:18 PM, October 23, 2007, Blogger Bar L. said...

Hmm, I'd say buy a new bra or two for now and wait and see what happens. But most imporant - are you feeling better? You have stopped losing right???

I know that a lot of women wish they had "big boobs" (and many pay to get them) but let me tell you - they are NOT all they cracked up to be. Mine are very big and they HURT. Its like carrying two canteloupes on my chest, its painful on my shoulders/back and often embarrassing because people run into them, etc. I have been losing weight on a new diet and think they are getting smaller.

SOrry didn't mean to take over your post and make it all about me!


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