Saturday, October 20, 2007


I'm up late because I had a bit of a nap in the afternoon. I read this is Shannon Ethridge's book 'every woman's battle':

While pride says, "I deserve whatever I desire", humility says, "My fleshly desires will not dictate my actions"
While pride says, "My needs should be met at any cost", humility says, "Meeting my needs should be secondary to loving others"
While pride says, "Life is all about me and my pleasure", humility says, "Life is all about God and His pleasure"
While pride says, "The rules apply to everyone else but me", humility says, "I will submit to the rules for righteousness' sake"
While pride says, "I'm above the consequences", humility says, "I win only when I resist sin"

I can see areas of pride in my life. Hard to root out.


At 6:07 AM, October 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's so true. Pride the root of all evil? Most definitely!
Thanks for this.

At 12:32 PM, October 20, 2007, Blogger Bar L. said...

This is really good. Hard to read in a way because I don't like to see how prideful I am in so many ways. Thanks for this reminder. I have that book somewhere, I should get it out.


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