Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Letting go

2008 feels like it is going to be about letting go. I am trying to encourage James in doing more independant things. I meet with some resistance. He feels safe as long as there is a parent or teacher nearby (that's what he told me). Not such a bad thing, but still. Working on things to give him confidence on his own. He likes to be babied in some ways, but then who doesn't?

Rustle is also moving away from Next as planned. More independance.

I read a couple of books over the holidays about parents and letting go. How too much insulating can suffocate them, but not enough insulating can damage them. It's a fine line.

The most recent book I am in is "Under Cover" by John Bevere. He talks about how democratic nations like N.America and Europe can have a hard time accepting Christianity because Christianity is not a democracy. That we get used to having a voice and being able to argue things out, that we forget that it's about the He wants, not what the majority want, not what we feel. It's about Him.


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