Monday, November 26, 2007


I finished reading the 'Emotionally Healthy Sprituality' (Scazzero). The chapter on the Daily Office was particularly interesting to me as I had not heard of it before.

I am not sure if it started me thinking on the topic of hurt or if I started to think of it for some other reason, but anyway I was thinking of the scripture from Luke 10:19 Jesus says to his disciples that 'nothing shall harm you'. That seems to be in relation to their working for Him, but there are many other scriptures about how God promises to protect us from harm. But what does that really mean? In the Luke scripture, it doesn't seem to be referring to physical harm, but spiritual harm. And when you think about Paul, quite a lot of physical harm came to him, though it can be said that the Lord preserved him. Other than physical events, the next most harmful thing that people seem to experience in their lives is verbal harm. When people say not so nice things about you. When I was growing up, I was probably not very normal as I was not very relationally advanced. (I was academically advanced for sure) I didn't care too much what my peers thought and I certainly didn't want to be doing what they were doing, so I was pretty immune from peer pressure. I didn't care very much what people I didn't care about thought of me. But I think I did care what my friends thought of me, not a lot but a bit.

Present day, I don't really care what people think of me at work. I give 100% but if they don't like it, I'd be just as happy without my job(s). That wouldn't hurt me. There are a few friends who could hurt me, though I don't think they know it. If anything happened to James that would hurt so much, I can't bear to think of that.


At 6:40 PM, November 26, 2007, Blogger Bar L. said...

I am the opposite of you in some ways, but wish I were more like you. For years I SAID I did not care what anyone thought of me, but I inside I did care...very much so. When I was grwoing up my mother and grandmother said things to me like "you are a bad person, you make me sick, I don't like you, you think your so special but your not". Real nice stuff.

FINALLY after years I care much less about what people think of me, but I still care way more than I'd like.

As for James...I hope he never gets hurt in any way, its way more painful to see your child suffer than to suffer yourself...been there done that one :)


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