Friday, November 02, 2007

What you want

I posted yesterday on best interest- how sometimes we think one thing is in our best interest, but someone with more knowledge may know that it is not our best interest! I trust God with my best interest most of the time, even if I don't LIKE what is in my best interest. I'm hoping that my grumbling about it doesn't bother Him :) I have surprised myself a lot in the last few months- seeing that I act as if on some autopilot, making the 'correct' choice even if it was not my choice. I shouldn't really be amazed that God is one step ahead of me, because He is God afterall! But He does require ALL from us and sometimes it seems easy and sometimes it feels like a child who is about to loose their teddy bear. Gripping it with their might, not wanting to give it up. But I must trust that God knows what he is doing, as He has a LOT more knowledge and experience than I. Trust is what it is about. Trust enough to give Him all.


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