Friday, November 09, 2007


I woke up thinking about my friend Linda this morning. When I was in my early 20s she and her husband had been trying to conceive a baby but had no success for a while. Then there was a visiting speaker who came and prayed with her they they would conceive and shortly thereafter they did become pregnant. The labour was very difficult both baby and mom almost didn't make it. And the child was extremely difficult to deal with. I worked in the nursery at the church as well as went to their house to babysit and this child would really not listen to you! I think people in the church blamed the parents for the bad behavior- that they were too lenient at home. And they might have been, but I'm not entirely sure it made a difference. Every child is different and needs different amount of discipline. I am very blessed to have James who is a very easy child!
Anyway, Linda went on to have 2 much easier children after that and the first baby is now 16 and is a wonderful teenager- very caring with his siblings and no typical teenage problems. I am so glad that after all she went through, she finally has a good reward!


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