Friday, March 13, 2009


Sometimes I am crazy enough to tell people my dreams. I know some people don't really want to hear other people's crazy dreams, so I try to choose safe audiences. People that I won't freak out too much. I mean I write mostly everything on the dream blog, but I don't make anyone read it!

Anyway, I was talking with someone about ice dams and danger they pose to the causeway and for some reason I launched into my dream about me and the causeway from last week (Swept away) As I start into it, I realize that this person may not be too comfortable with the crazy dreams, so I try to wind down the story and move on to other things, but no, they asked how it ended, so I told them about praying and being rescued.

This interestingly cause a response- I haven't really processed it which is probably why I'm writing now. The person I was telling this to said some people said these bad things happened and then God saved them, but wasn't God there in all the bad things as well. This surprised me because I didn't think that about my dream at all so I wasn't quite prepared for that! I think I said something about us creating the messes! Now I think about it, it's a good thing God doesn't get tired because we tend to have lots of messes for Him to save us from!


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