Saturday, July 04, 2009


This past week something has been wrong with my ears and has affected my hearing. My ears have had what feels like a cloud over them. And so when people talk, I'll miss bits of what they say. I would have to focus very hard to hear through the cloud. And the cloud has been annoyingly loud.
Through this I realized a few things. One is that I noticed the difference between good hearing and bad because I have had good hearing up to this point in my life. If you don't know what good hearing is, you wouldn't miss it.
Hearing people is useful, but hearing God is needed. My prayer this week has been, if I loose my physical hearing (which I don't think is actually going to happen- I think it's just an allergy or something) I don't care, I just don't want to stop hearing from You!
I also wonder if how I hear from God is in a cloud, not perfect and I don't know that I could hear Him better because I haven't heard any clearer than I do now.


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