Sunday, May 24, 2009


Al had a great story as an analogy in Church today (I hope he doesn't mind my sharing it because the rest of my post will probably only make sense if you heard his story)

He said there was a giant bee in Rustle and it was bumping into the window (you know how bees do when they want to get out) and he took a container and a piece of paper and caught him (her? it?) and took him to the front door and set him free. (I think Al's point was that you can either bring destruction or freedom to a situation, though that's not what I'm writing about. Another point he made is that the 'right' decision is not always clear because we don't always understand what God is doing)

Well, I feel like that bee. I am trying to make the right decisions and keep finding myself slammed against the window. I am waiting for God to catch me in his container and set me free.

There is one situation at work that I have been trying to make a right decision on and see freedom, but it's always the window. A couple of weeks ago I thought I had figured out the 'right' decision and was going to implement it. As I was walking in to work, I was praying and had this sense that the decision would not work. And yup, it pretty much blew up in my face. But that doesn't mean that it wasn't the right decision, I don't think. And so I am trying once again to implement the same plan that did not work weeks ago. That I apparently still think it is good. And I prayed for it that God would help me. But sometimes maybe it is more amusing to Him to see it all go haywire. I don't mind being amusing. It serves a purpose.

Help me to head toward freedom


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