Friday, May 01, 2009

Or else

Do you know "or else" people? People who say you have to do things a certain way 'or else'?

You have to do something a certain way 'or else' the church is doomed? (it wasn't)

You have to do things a certain way 'or else' we'll leave the church? (they did, it's ok)

or I'm sure Jordin has heard this one - You shouldn't homeschool 'or else' your children will not socialize properly, etc.

I have never been keen on people who are so demanding. Pushing that their way is right. Those are just some vague examples, but I think you know what I'm getting at.

Now, I haven't really considered myself an 'or else' person. I think it's really important that people make the choices that are best for them and that may not be the same choices that are best for me. I think you've got to be true to God and yourself.

I have had a couple of instances at work recently where I have had 'or else' moments and I only realized it today. I'm a bit surprised. The first one, I think I was kind of right to have an 'or else' moment. A lady at work was doing something incorrectly and I sent her a nice email on how to do it correctly and she ignored me and continued to do it incorrectly. This really bothered me, but I don't think I understood why until today. Today at work one of my co-workers had a choice to talk to me or to talk to someone else. They chose the other person. Now this was a logical choice, not a vindictive one. The co-worker could not speak to both of us at the same time and had to make a choice. One of us was going to lose, and it happened to be me. And it wasn't even 'losing'! Logically, it was nothing to be upset about, but I was.

And then, this evening, it was like I could see the puzzle pieces coming together. When I was a kid, I felt that my father chose his work over me. For years I have felt that Myron chose his computer games over me. You would think I would be used to the second place thing, but instead it is a wound that is wide open and when little things happen, it inflames that cut even more and the reaction that I have is not proportionate to the event that occurred. Luckily, I don't think I show it to the person who caused me the pain. Hopefully, I hold my pain together well enough. lol. Until I write about it here, anyway.

I feel that I am being selfish. That wanting to be first place is selfish and I don't like it about myself. I know that with God I am first place (and that He feels that way about all of us) I have to find a way to be less selfish and heal the wound.


At 11:19 PM, May 02, 2009, Blogger swilek said...

I'm finally back blogging and reading blogs..have loads to catch up on so feel a bit overwelmed!! Hey, I do not think you are being selfish at all for feeling that is valid and natural. You are okay to feel that way...I don't think it is about being selfish or not but about those past wounds. A little bit of selfishness is good for a mother sometimes isn't it!! I'm sure you give and give of yourself and need to be cared for sometimes to regroup and refresh!!! btw, i am not fond of or else people either but can be an or else person at times!!


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