Friday, April 10, 2009

What is wrong?

What is wrong with blogger? It won't let me post pictures.

What is wrong with my face? On the left cheek it was itchy for over a week and then it kind of blistered and now it painful and swollen. It doesn't LOOK terrible bad (my face doesn't look worse than usual!) but it is very annoying!!!

What is wrong with me? Last night I had 2 memorable dreams. They were both insightful, in different ways. The one that was good insightful, I wrote on my dream blog. The other one was very painful. Probably very true, but I haven't been able to bring myself to write it down. I have felt the sting of it all day today.

Did I overbond my child? James is my little sidekick, always helping me, which I appreciate very much. But he really doesn't like being away from me. If we are both at home he will generally stay in the same room as me, unless he has someone else to play with. I don't mind it, because I know it can't last too many years longer, but I'm wondering, did I do too much of that child bonding stuff?


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