Sunday, December 20, 2009


I am watching a girl I knew turn into a guy. Her choice.
But when I look at her all I see is a wound. A wound she is trying to fix by becoming someone else.
Escape seems to be a valid route.
Dr. Phil ofter asks guests if they are running away from something or running to something. As humans we do a lot of running.
I took a new job that has been overwhelming but also very enjoyable. There were a number of reason I took it.
Stability. We are a one income family and that is me. We need to be able to rely on my income.
But also I looked forward to the change as I had an old wound that I needed to get away from. I thought that a fresh start would help. And it did. For a few months. But I sense the wound is back. No matter how many times I think it has healed, it doesn't take much for it to be ripped back open and be dragged along, ugly and open and festering. The only thing I hope is that each time I am learning and each time it will be a bit less ugly, a bit less festering and a bit less heavy.


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