Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fragile friendships

My relationship with my best friend is NOT a fragile one. We've known each other since grade 5. On the day we met, I think we both instantly knew we would be best friends. In grade 5 we went to the same school, liked the same boy and lived across the street from each other and so did practically everything together. From gr. 6-8 I went to a different school, but we kept up our friendship by writing long notes to each other (on paper- before email!). From gr 9-13 we went to the same highschool. We had lots of fun together there. Then I left for Queen's. When I came back for my Christmas break she was going to a new Church and brought me along. She helped me meet Jesus and discipled me in my young faith. We always kept in touch and now still do thanks mostly to facebook. Even though I rarely see her, when I do it's like I never left. You know that kind of friendship? That is so rooted in you that it can't break?

I was thinking about the fragility of friendships in relation to another friend. I have known her for about 14 years and for many, many years it was a very surface friendship but a few years ago, she started to open up more. I thought this was good, but I don't think I realized what a gift it was or how difficult this was. Last week, she told me she had opened up to another mutual friend and what a big deal this was. That she felt safe. I then felt very honoured that she felt safe enough to open up to me previously. We talked about this and I said that she had opened up to 2 people and we LIKE her. We didn't run away screaming. lol. I hope that she continues to open up rather than hide.


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