Saturday, July 25, 2009

Truth hurts

I like truth. I think it is a good thing. Hearing truth about myself is not always easy, but it is necessary.

At work I see lack of truth by omission. It isn't outright lying, but it is misleading. One course I was doing the instructor gave me access to his email and I replied to all the student assignments, but I did not sign my name (as requested by the instructor). The email automatically signed his name (in the sig file) so it looked like he was doing all the work for the course, but it was really me. It didn't really bother me because I don't care if I get credit for things and I probably write more controversial things than he would ever write and I don't have to take any of the blame really! Does it make a difference to the students? Likely not. Just the principal of the thing.

I was at the main office for one of my courses the other day for a meeting and as there were other people in the meeting room, I went to the waiting room. This room still had handouts (mainly for the students) from last year. One was a 'contacts' sheet that listed a contact from each of the first year courses. I was rather amused to find that I was listed as the 'coordinator' of my course, when I was not. I was, however, the correct contact to list, as the actual coordinator just forwarded emails to me.

I was having a conversation the other day with someone and at the end it took a bad turn as the person made a joke about taking their own life. Now, I *think* I know the person well enough to know that they were not seriously considering it. But, do we really know anyone else? Don't joke about that stuff. It makes me worry.


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