Tuesday, July 28, 2009


3 nights in a row I had nightmares about losing control of the blue hyundai. Funny because I am so far doing ok with the driving. Maybe my sunconscious is unhappy that my conscious is happy.

I had a funny incident yesterday. I drove to Food Basics to get groceries. It was the one on Princess, not my usual Barrack St. one. In one aisle there was a tall man walking up and down the aisle *sighing* quite loudly. It was obvious that he was looking for something he couldn't find. As he seemed rather distressed, I stopped to pray for him. Well, I stopped the cart and looked at something on the shelf, but praying is what I was doing. So he came up to me and asked if I knew where the Shake and Bake was. As I have been through fruitlessly looking for shake and bake before, I told him yes it would be by the breadcrumbs in the bread aisle. I was guessing. I hadn't seen them in that store before as I have passed through my shake and bake phase since I found I could make things better than them! lol. When it came time to check out, I got in line behind him, even though it was probably the longest line to be in. I didn't mind. I kept praying for the dude. He was quite efficient in his packing of groceries. And he had a lot of groceries -$300 worth. He walked out of the store just before me and I could see that we had parked next to each other. His vehicle was a wheelchair access bus and he was obviously doing this shopping for his work. I'll have to ask Kim if CH has a bus like that. The poor guy probably thought I was stalking him, but it wasn't me!


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