Sunday, April 29, 2007


This is the time of year that I always feel like quitting my job(s). My Queens job April is always the month where everything finishes up so abruptly and then you wonder if all the effort you put in during the year was worth it or not. And they are making some changes to the course that I'm not really on board with, so I feel like quitting. I won't. I made a committment to do work for them in the summer and next year, but I am going to warn them that this may be my last year. Other years I feel like quitting in April but that's for being worn out. This year, I don't like the direction the course is headed, so I am ready to jump ship for that. This feels more serious than other years.

I have 2 jobs at RMC. One I am frustrated with because my boss doesn't really listen to me and never replies to my emails. And my other job I get frustrated at because I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing what my boss wants.

And so the common denominator in this frustration is me. Maybe spring just makes me want to quit my jobs! I normally love my jobs so I'm sure it is just a phase!


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