Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Too many contracts

Yesterday, I signed my new contract for another year at RMC. I thought the number of hours was wrong when I signed it, but when I went back and checked, the contract was correct, but my hours are double what I expected. It is hard to figure out how to fit everything into my work schedule!

My parents are coming up for James' birthday on the weekend. This involves much consternation on all our parts. On my part, I have to make a meal that suits all the family members different quirks and then depending on the traffic and stuff, they may not make it in time for dinner anyway. My mother was worried. No problem I told her, if you don't eat the dinner I'll just put it in the fridge. I hope the weekend is fun and not too stressful on all parts.

My computer was corrupting files. I'm not sure why it decided to save my files for my work computer as blank since Friday. I managed to find a new way to save them, but I have now been referred to as 'Source of Corruption'.

I am going shopping with Kim tomorrow and need a list. I also need some inspiration.


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