Monday, June 25, 2007

Stress workshop

I went to the stress workshop by Mike yesterday. As I have been pretty absorbed in the stress-analysis of my life, I knew a lot of what he had to say, but here's some things I didn't know before the workshop
-a symptom of stress that I had not related to stress was the running of one thought over in your head (I think he called it 'ruminating') which I have found I have been doing of late
-good changes can be as stressful as bad changes (though I assume, over time the good changes produce benficial results in your life, while the bad do not)
-your lungs talk to your brain. your brain gets signals from how you are breathing. when I felt stressed, I would try breathing deep, but now I'm going to try and do this when I'm not stressed, to try to prevent an attack.

Overall, I think my stress level is a combined total of the things in my life- job, child, etc.
The attacks may be a combination of the high stress and spiritual attack.
Yesterday morning when I went out to the back porch to pray, I suddenly couldn't see out of my right eye. I had to pray and pray in order to get it to work again.

The best thing about the stress workshop is that I got to hang out with Sandy3 (Not Sandy G. not Sandy Z.) - a lady who has been coming to Rustle. She has been on my heart a lot. We walked to the workshop together as she only lives a block away from me. She's rough on the edges but she is soft inside. I have been praying to see her as God sees her.


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