Saturday, February 09, 2008

made new

In the summer of 1991 I was a new Christian and I went to an evangelical Church. It was a really great Church with excellent teaching and I learned a lot. They were very strongly evangelical and put a lot of emphasis on bringing Christ to people. That whole summer I prayed so hard for someone that I could bring Christ to.
I learned that God answers prayer in not the way I would expect!
I spent the summer growing, reading every Christian book I could get my hands on. Spent practically everyday doing something with the church- bible study, youth group, prayer, cleaning up the new church house they bought, camping, etc.
Then the day came that I would leave this healthy environment to head back to kingston.
That's the day that God answered my prayer.
I was taking the bus. I got on the bus and got settled. The bus was about half full. I looked out the bus window and I saw him. He was kind of rough looking and carrying a guitar. And I had this sinking feeling that he would sit next to me on the bus. He did. I was reading. He asked if he could sit down. I said yes. I tried to read. He asked me what I was reading. I told him. He sat quietly for a bit and then asked me what my sign was. I told him I didn't believe in that sort of thing. He asked me why. I told him. He asked lots of questions. I answered the best I could. The bus ride normally takes 1 hour and a quarter (to TO), but this ride felt like it took forever! This was not a soft spoken type of guy. He was rather loud and didn't seem to care if the whole bus heard our conversation. I didn't care either. The rest of the bus was silent. As we got close to TO I asked him if he wanted to pray to receive Christ. He did. We prayed together. I'm sure the whole bus heard him! We kept talking. We got off the bus. I felt completely exhausted and happy. I headed toward the Kingston line and he came up to me again to thank me. He was my answer to prayer. That day I realized God does answer prayer, sometimes not quite the way we expect. I was also very overwhelmed by the experience, it was amazing but scary at the same time. I stopped praying that prayer. I think I should start again.


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