Wednesday, August 18, 2010


In the last week I have experienced some intense prayer. While I have prayed in a type of intercession before, it has never felt like this before.
It was very intense and overpowering and even emotional.
It is new territory for me and I am learning it can be tricky territory too.

Things I've learned:
1.When you experience the intensity of prayer and then it goes away and you want to experience it again but you have no control as it seems to be as the spirit leads. And that's ok, I want it to be as the spirit leads.

2.Prayer like this can emotionally involve you with the family (or person) that you are praying for. I felt I had to walk very cautiously in my interaction with them.
Its still in the early stages in this particular instance. In this case I had contact with the family involved everyday. And yesterday I hadn't heard from them, so I called and they were fine. Today I am not calling, I am believing they are fine. Believing also that they would call me if something was wrong.
And that's ok, I want a healthy relationship with the families I pray for.

3.It is also important to ward off resentment thinking that you put this much time into it and they don't seem to understand what you are giving of yourself. And that's ok, I want to pray in secret, not for a reward of thankfulness.


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