Sunday, August 01, 2010


Al spoke today on the parable in Luke 12 where a guy says to Jesus something of the effect- my brother isn't sharing with me (wah, wah)- make him share with me!
And shouldn't Jesus say something to his brother like "You are being a selfish and mean brother- you need to share"?
But he doesn't. He goes into a parable that Al explained so well. That 'stuff' is tricky. That relationships are much more difficult to manage than 'stuff'.
And when you think about it, the brothers that were in dispute that got Jesus started on the parable were sacrificing their relationship with each other for 'stuff'.

If I put myself in their shoes and my brother said to me- I need all our parents inheritance- I would be ok. But my brother and my relationship is easy, so that probably isn't relevant.

Some relationships aren't so easy and require a lot of work. When my dear friend went on a mission trip and came back, she found some very bad things (concerning 'stuff') had happened in her absence. She was very upset. She called me and said it wasn't fair. She asked me to pray. She told me what she wanted to do. I said don't- wait- people will pray. I'm going to talk to her this evening.


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