Sunday, March 25, 2012


Today Sam spoke and spoke of Psalm 51:17
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

and I wrote this:

a heart not full of yourself
a heart not filled with pride
a heart that sees that God has much to teach us
a heart that yearns to learn what He is teaching
a heart that feels the pain and moves beyond
a heart that knows we can't make it on our own
a heart that knows that He loves us so much that He challenges us out of our comfort zone
a heart that loves You and is sorry for the sin, the sickness and the silliness

Sunday, March 11, 2012

3 in a row

In the last couple of days there have been 3 incidents with 3 different people. People I kind of thought of as friends. I still do. I don't want to say I was "surprised" by any of these things, I wasn't in the general state of things. I mean knowing the people as much as I do I knew it was in their personality, I just was surprised by the specific things that happened.
And I know they are just being who they are but it still hurts a bit. And just odd that all 3 happened in succession!