Monday, December 28, 2009

Difference between the head and the heart

Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils; they differ enormously about what evils they will call excusable. ~ G. K. Chesterton

This quote makes me think about the difference between what we know in our head, what we reasonably agree to in thought and what we practically do.
We can know in our head that say lying is wrong. But when there's a tight situation and a lie will make it better, make it easier on us and it won't really hurt anyone then maybe the lie will come out.
That is on a small scale. On a larger scale, this encompasses social injustice in our communities. What injustices do we as a society excuse?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Looking forward

Looking into the new year I see some major spiritual sort of battles on the horizon. With my current work situation I'm worried that I won't get the spiritual time I need to deal with things. I guess I'll start by praying about that!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


I am watching a girl I knew turn into a guy. Her choice.
But when I look at her all I see is a wound. A wound she is trying to fix by becoming someone else.
Escape seems to be a valid route.
Dr. Phil ofter asks guests if they are running away from something or running to something. As humans we do a lot of running.
I took a new job that has been overwhelming but also very enjoyable. There were a number of reason I took it.
Stability. We are a one income family and that is me. We need to be able to rely on my income.
But also I looked forward to the change as I had an old wound that I needed to get away from. I thought that a fresh start would help. And it did. For a few months. But I sense the wound is back. No matter how many times I think it has healed, it doesn't take much for it to be ripped back open and be dragged along, ugly and open and festering. The only thing I hope is that each time I am learning and each time it will be a bit less ugly, a bit less festering and a bit less heavy.